How do I integrate Ketryx with Jira?

Lee Chickering
Lee Chickering
  • Updated
To install the Ketryx app in Jira, you need to have administrative privileges on the Jira organization and the Manage connections permission in Ketryx (which, by default, is only assigned to organization owners). Then you can perform the following:
  1. Log into Ketryx
  2. In Jira, install the Ketryx Connector for Jira app from the Atlassian Marketplace
  3. Complete the installation process of the Jira app by pressing Get started and Complete installation in Ketryx. 
  4. In Ketryx, confirm the connection by pressing Connect Jira organization
Once the connection between your Ketryx organization and your Jira instance is established, you can create Ketryx projects that are connected to individual Jira projects.
Note: Each Jira instance can only be connected to one Ketryx organization, and each Jira project can only be connected to one Ketryx project (and vice-versa).
Note: During Jira project creation, a Company-Managed project must be selected. Ketryx does not support Team-Managed projects. 

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