How can I use the Code Change Review (CCR) feature with Bitbucket?

Lee Chickering
Lee Chickering
  • Updated
For Ketryx to fetch Pull Request data from Bitbucket, authentication needs to happen via a Repository Access Token. Access tokens can be defined at the repository, project, or organization level. Any of these work (just note that only the repository level is possible in the free version of Bitbucket). A guide on how to create such a token can be found here.
The same authentication method is used to fetch the Git repository (for SOUP dependency analysis) as well.
The repository access token needs to have at least the following permissions:
  • Repository: Read
  • Pull requests: Read
When entering the authentication credentials in Ketryx, set the following:
  • Username: x-token-auth (as a verbatim value, as documented here)
  • Password: (the access token)

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