Dear Ketryx community,
We are excited to announce our latest release, Ketryx 2.4! This release focuses on expanded integration tools and enhanced workflow flexibility. These new capabilities build upon the already powerful platform to offer an unparalleled and streamlined experience.
Some of the major developments in Ketryx 2.4:
- Generating SBOMs with SPDX - Ketryx can now consume SPDX files to populate library dependency lists. This substantially increases the number of languages we support with our SBOM module and provides tighter integration with CI/CD pipelines.
- Git-based items - Up until this release, Ketryx supported managing most configuration items as Jira tickets. Now a Ketryx organization can also utilize Markdown files from a Git repository to manage any configuration item type. An organization can even mix sources, for example having both Jira and Git based specification items. This flexibility allows for reduced onboarding and data migration times as well as permits customers to manage their data in the way that makes the most sense for their organization’s needs.
- RTM generalization - A major generalization of our traceability module. Ketryx can now support configuring a project's RTM to an increased variety of V-models. Organizations are now able to configure their own completeness and coverage checks. This will allow organizations to precisely monitor and manage their validation process.
- Scoped versions - One of our goals at Ketryx is to shift validated development towards a continuous paradigm and this feature is a major step towards that goal. Scoped versions permit multiple validated releases to be developed in parallel by allowing organizations to filter a release to just the items that will be impacted by the planned change.
- Risk management extensions -
- Calculation widgets - To make calculations on a risk item more easily observable, widgets are now available that visually show how a risk evaluation and acceptability calculation has been performed.
- Cross project references - If a configuration item traces to a risk in a referenced project, that risk will now show up in the risk management screen for the referencing project. If a risk traces to a risk control in a referenced project, that risk control will show up in the risk control matrix of the referencing project.
- Finer grain control - Hazards and hazardous situations may now be “strictly” enforced - i.e. may only be selected from a user-defined list - or “weakly” enforced - such that new values can be added for individual items.
There are significantly more smaller enhancements not mentioned above. We continually strive to better serve your needs and are eager to hear your feedback. Together, let's create a safer and more reliable world.
Thanks for being part of our community!
The Ketryx Team
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