How do I view the approvals and approval history?

Lee Chickering
Lee Chickering
  • Updated

The approvals and approval history views vary depending on the type of entity that you are looking for: 

  • Version Release Documents
  • Individual Configuration Items
  • All approvals within a specified date range

Version Release Documents

To view version release document approval history, navigate to the "Documents for this version" page.

After you navigate to the "Documents for this version" page, you will notice a download button for each generated document. 

Clicking this button allows you to download the release document as a Word or Excel file. However, please note that this format does not include the approval history.

To obtain a document with the approval history, please click on the ellipsis (...) next to the desired file and select "Download as PDF." This PDF file will contain the necessary approval history, which is essential for presenting to auditors as proof of approval.

The proof of electronic signature / approvals can be viewed at the bottom of the document. 

Individual Configuration Items

To view the approval history for individual configuration items, click into the item from the All items screen. 

From the Record details screen, you can view the Approvals for that ticket. 

Additionally, in the top-right corner, you can download the record, which contains this same information. 

All approvals within a specified date range

To view all approvals within a specified date range, navigate to the History module in Ketryx. 

If desired, enter the date range for which you'd like to download the approval history and then click Download approval history. You may download the history as a CSV or as an Excel document. 


Approval history in Excel:

Last Modified: Ketryx Version 2.5

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