How does the requirements traceability matrix (RTM) work? How do I complete my RTM?

Lee Chickering
Lee Chickering
  • Updated

The requirements traceability matrix is created based on relationships between the following configuration items: 

  • Requirements
  • Specifications
  • Test Cases
  • Test Executions

By default, you will see the following columns and their relations to the configuration items that you may be familiar with: 

Column Description of applicable configuration items
Use Case Requirements of type use case
Input Child requirements of the use case 
Output Specifications that fulfill a requirement
Verification Test cases that test a specification and have been executed through a test execution
Validation Test cases that test a requirement and have been executed through a test execution

Note: The requirements traceability matrix is completely configurable to meet the needs of your organization. 

If you receive an error message for your traceability matrix, refer to MAN-07 Traceability for fixing traceability errors

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