I'm using the AI generated summary in my release document template, why am I not getting a response?

Lee Chickering
Lee Chickering
  • Updated

If you are using the AI generated summary, and the summary is not showing up in your generated release documentation, there may be a few root causes that you may need to investigate. 

Ensure proper formatting in the templated document

Templated documents require a specific formatting to work. Ensure that you are following the instructions given on docs.ketryx.com

Here is one quick example with an explanation on formatting: 

{@$KQL newRecords = diff:new}

{@$SUMMARIZE newsummary = itemRecords:newRecords totalWordTarget:500 instructions:”Summarize the given items into a release note summary. Do not use bullet points. Use paragraphs. End each paragraph with two newline characters. Add 2 lines between each paragraph.”}

{~~ newsummary}

  1. Ensure that the KQL query makes sense. Test the query out in Ketryx to ensure that it properly returns the items you're looking for. 
  2. Ensure that you are identifying a unique variable for the summary
  3. Ensure the variable matches the summary call. Example: variable (newsummary) needs to match with the call for the summary ~~ newsummary

Total Word Target may be too small

The AI tool may not be able to summarize your KQL query in the allotted amount of space. Consider increasing the totalWordTarget. 

The number of items to summarize may be too large

The AI tool may not be able to summarize too many items, or too large of items before it times out. Consider reducing the scope of your items using a different KQL query. Also consider adjusting the instructions that you are providing to the AI. Rather than "Summarize", consider phrases like "high level overview". 


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