Can I defer Anomalies in Ketryx?


Yes! You can either use the default functionality of the deferral system or configure it for yourself. Before describing those options, let's overview the controls that are in place to ensure Anomalies are addressed appropriately before release.

With default release control settings (Project > Settings), and in most configurations of release control settings, all items in a given version need to be controlled or unchecked prior to release. Controlled items have gathered the appropriate approvals according to the approval rules of the project; unchecked items are those that do not require approval before release. Unchecked items are either those that meet the unchecked items filter, test cases excluded from a version's test plan, or deferred Anomalies.

When using Ketryx defaults, Anomalies are given the deferred status when they are not controlled (in any workflow status) and the field "Rationale for deferring resolution" is filled. If Field names configuration is used to read an existing field as the system field "Rationale for deferring resolution", then that field being filled is the second condition.

If you would like Anomalies to appear as deferred with some other criteria, then a Deferred items filter should be specified. This can be configured at the organization or project level. Items that meet this filter and are not controlled will appear as deferred.

The out-of-the-box documentation will contain Anomalies as follows:

  • Problem Report
    • New Unresolved Anomalies - All new Anomalies in this version (not contained in the previous release) and are in the deferred state at the time of document generation.
    • Resolved Anomalies - All Anomalies with Obsolete in version (or equivalent, if using Version fields configuration) as the version the document is being generated for.
  • Unresolved Anomalies - All Anomalies that are currently in the deferred state.

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